First Spider-Man trailer is half catch-up, half ride

What an odd thing. The first trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man has been released, and, well, we don’t really know what to make of it. It seems to be two different creations shoved together: an origins story that we couldn’t need less, and a demonstration of some 3D funsies more suited to a theme park than a box-office smash.
Take a look below, and we’ll have a chat afterwards:
At the moment it doesn’t look a million miles away from the Sam Raimi and co effort (with a bit of extra parent, admittedly), which is fine and all, but does raise the question of why they even bothered making the damn thing. In terms of the 1st person perspective second half, yes its good fun but looks more like footage from the inevitable game than from the film itself. Mirror’s Edge, anyone? We’re reserving judgement for now, but we have to say that this wasn’t really the first offering we were expecting…
What do you make of it? Tell us dammit:
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