Will Smith to direct Cain and Abel movie

There is a very popular and controversial book doing the rounds in Hollywood at the moment. It is full of whores and heroes. No, it isn’t Fifty Shades. It is the Bible. Yep, that dusty old book that has caused practically every war on this planet. Directors are obsessed with it! That may be because the rights to it are free, but we like to think that maybe everyone is just getting their spiritual groove on.

Darren Aronofsky is giving Noah and the Ark a bash, whilst Spielberg and Ridley Scott are going head to head over Red Sea magician, Moses. Will Smith has also announced that he would like to jump on the bible camp band waggon and tackle the great story about brotherly love…and murder, Cain and Abel. Except obviously there has to be a twist. And the twist is…Vampires! Wow, it has been about five minutes since we last saw them. We were starting to get worried there for a moment. When this story broke a few years back vampires were the plan anyway but the film has undergone a name change since then (and possibly a plot change too) and it now has the working title of The Redemption of Cain rather than the The Legend of Cain. The redemption bit sounds a bit namby pamby. Oh, don’t we all just miss the days when vampires were proper mofos and none of this sparkly, soul stuff existed? (Damn you, Robert Pattinson…)

There are still very few details about the project at this stage, other than Will Smith wanting to both direct and star in it. What we do know though is that Cain and Abel is a pretty kick butt story and there are very few people who can do kick butt better than Will Smith. http://credit-n.ru/offers-credit-card/ren-drive-365-credit-card.html http://credit-n.ru/electronica.html

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