Search results for "Shia LaBeouf"

  • Transformers: Dark of the Moon

    Michael Bay’s Transformers franchise is like marmite: you either love it, or hate it. Admiration for these films may or may not come from being an ultimate sci-fi geek, but one thing’s for sure Transformers: Dark of the Moon sure does know how to get your various lubricative juices flowing (a mechanical pun in case you wondered. Wash out your crude minds!)

  • Top 10 Movie LADS

    Who, in the entire history of the movies, has been the most badly behaved? Whose pursuit of sex, drugs and glory was the most relentless, debauched or just downright deplorable? We raise our shot glasses to our Top 10 real life movie LADS, all of whom go to prove that rock and roll is alive, well, and probably trying to sleep with you.

  • 10 worst comic book adaptations ever

    The humble comic book has given us some of the most iconic characters of the past century: caped-crusaders, garish Amazonian princesses, angst ridden mutants and radioactive people of all varieties have infiltrated the popular culture. But sadly not all adaptations quite live up to their two dimensional counterparts, and today we sort the wheat from the needlessly scanty PVC. Be aware that I had to re-watch a lot of these before writing this; I suffer for my work.

  • Jingle Balls: With A Vengeance

    Who’d have thought that the basic premise of ‘Die Hard’ would work so well when transplanted to the multi-million pound world of Premier League football? Director Tony Scott – that’s who. Jingle Balls: With a Vengeance sure isn’t subtle but it brings ‘kick’ ass action to the screen which will be Christmas come early for action fans.

  • Guy Fawkes Movies: 5 films we demand to see

    Hurrah for the bloody goriness that is Guy Fawkes day! A proud, dastardly time indeed in our national history, and a great excuse to give children some fire to mess around with. So considering the film world is usually so ready and willing to hijack our most exciting tales, our question is, where are the films to accompany Bonfire Night?

  • Megan Fox replacement announced?

    After the not-so-bombshell that Megan Fox has refused to be a part of Transformers 3 (mainly due to huge bust-ups with director Michael Bay), we’ve waited with bated breath to hear who will be her replacement. Well, according to the grapevine all fingers are pointing towards one girl. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. Who?

  • Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen

    So it’s two years since the evil Megatron’s death, and Optimus Prime, the other Autobots and the significantly less exciting humans have been going about their business as usual. What could disturb this harmonious bliss? Why, the discovery of a Transformer so bloomin’ evil he makes Megatron look like a Bosch iron. The Fallen – the lost brother of the Transformers – is preparing for battle on Earth And believe us, his battle is extremely explodey.

  • Lawless

    This gun-toting prohibition shoot-em-up has come under fire for lacking in substance. Substance?! What do you want here, it’s a gangster epic! It doesn’t need to have substance, it’s got guns! Guns! Knuckle-Dusters! Blood! Testicles in a jam jar! Sexy women! Waistcoats! Guns! Sure, it doesn’t break any boundaries, but it breaks plenty of bones. It’s got guns! Pass me tha’ there moonshine y’all.