Short Film Spotlight: Anna vs. the Dead

It might be a tiny bit misleading to claim that we’ve scored a video interview with the stars of Anna vs. the Dead, given that neither Steph Cohen (who plays Anna) or Vikki Jones (who plays Molly, who is dead) were able to make last week’s otherwise well-attended Best For Film Presents… We Like Short Shorts. But we’ve got something that everyone doing horrible office-based temp work on the basis that it’s “a foot on the ladder” (thanks, Mum) will recognise as much more important – the people who make it all happen. Writer-director? Supporting characters? Sound guy? Oh yeah, we’ve got it all.

Wait a second – if you haven’t seen Anna vs. the Dead (or saw the marginally out-of-sync version that we premiered last week) then this is probably all getting a bit confusing. Here, take eight minutes out of your day and enjoy a truly brilliant short film. We’ll see you on the other side.

Hurrah! Bet you couldn’t tell what that weird noise at the beginning was though, could you? If only we could offer some sort of exclusive insight (we’re building up to the interview at this stage, just so you know) into the process of conception and production that went into bringing Anna vs. the Dead to your YouTube. If only.


We’re very glad to welcome to our website the following charming and beautiful showbusiness personalities, listed in the order in which they will shortly appear on your screen:

Jamie Drew (writer-director)
Janina Matthewson (Frankie)
Duncan Vicat-Brown (Max)
Adam Misrahi (sound person)

As regular readers will know, the brilliant Jamie Drew also undertook the task of filming all three of our interviews at Best For Film Presents… We Like Short Shorts (you can catch up on our chats with the stars of Mike and Cooks if you, y’know, click on the words ‘Mike’ and ‘Cooks’. Not those ones, the other ones.) Unfortunately, drunk on power, keenly priced cocktails and the prospect of actually getting on camera for once, he managed to totally cut your humble interviewer John Underwood out of the shot for this one. Unfortunately, fortunately, whatever.

As ever, please be aware of the possibility of strong language – these guys don’t fornicate around.

As is so often the case at Best For Film, it was a carefully disguised orgasm all along. Thanks once more to Jamie, Janina, Duncan, Adam, Jamie again for filming, the Genesis Cinema and everyone who came along to Best For Film Presents… We Like Short Shorts. We hope to see you next month x


That concludes our nearly-a-week of video interviews! We’ll be doing it all again at Best For Film Presents… on September 10th, so if you’ve got a short film and a mouth with which to talk about it why not get in touch? Thanks for watching!

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