Schwarzenegger to star in sequel to True Lies?

Speculation regarding Arnie’s triumphant return to acting continues to grow after he is linked with another sequel. Having previously been linked to follow-ups of Terminator, Running Man and Predator, Schwartznegger is now reported to be interested in a sequel to James Cameron’s 1994 action thriller True Lies.
In a recent interview with movie web True Lies co-star Tom Arnold said it was ‘literally’ a reality that he and Schwarzenegger would team up again for a True Lies sequel.
Arnold told movie web “I have read a great True Lies 2 script, and I hope we are able to do it. Knock on wood. Arnold Schwarzenegger is excited. I am excited.”
According to Arnold the script, written by Jeff Eastin, has the approval of all interested parties, including Schwarzenegger. He added that the project also had the backing of Hollywood juggernaut James Cameron, although Arnold went on to say that Cameron was not involved as a director.
The 1994 action-thriller True Lies starred Schwarzenegger as Harry Tasker, a devoted family man and secret agent. A reprisal of this role would mark Swartznegger’s return to showbusiness after an 8 year hiatus, during which time he served as the governor of California.
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