Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: Vegas Screening Highlights

Coming in slow under the radar is Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, the big-screen adaptation of Bryan Lee O’Malley’s cutesy Manga-style comic strip. It’s directed by Edgar Wright – he of Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz fame, and in the same way he mangled genres in the former to create the world’s first rom-zom-com, it looks like Scott Pilgrim is going to do the same. Only with wire-fu martial arts, romance, musicals, and Nintendo games, which we’ve officially baptised wi-fu-rom-mu-nint. Get used to that word, ’cause you’ll be hearing it a lot.
Michael Cera plays Scott Pilgrim, a twentysomething slacker charged with defeating the “seven evil exes” of the girl of his dreams, Ramona Flowers (played by the rather lovely Mary Elizabeth Winstead). Anyhoo, Pilgrim got a test screening last night in Vegas, and the result is that it’s pretty awesome, with the two anonymous reviewers over at AICN variously calling it “pretty awesome”, “completely unique” and “damn remarkable”. Colour us excited, even if we are getting a bit sick of Michael Cera.
The reviews can be found here and here, but beware – there be spoilers.
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