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  • Desi Boyz

    As confused a cinematic masala as you’re likely to see this year, Desi Boyz plagiarises gleefully from every comedy, drama and romance going and fuses its finds together with a shuddering dose of song, dance and waxed torsos. It’s nonsense, obviously, but it’s enormously entertaining nonsense.

  • The Top 10 Christmas Carols

    In 1848, Charles Dickens wrote a little novella about a mean-spirited man at Christmas who, after being haunted by three ghosts, discovers the true spirit of the holiday and becomes GENEROUS. Sadly for Dickens, nobody needs to read his book anymore, because now we have films. Films AND a severe lack of new material; to celebrate this sorry fact, here are the top 10 Christmas Carols. May they haunt your houses pleasantly…