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  • Friday Face/Off: Actors and their private lives

    The division between celebrities’ public and private lives is growing ever more meaningless, with debauched actors regularly incurring more column inches for their off-camera shenanigans than their performances. But do they deserve this punishing degree of scrutiny? Two of our writers go head to head in this week’s Face/Off…

  • The Woman

    Tired of the regular run-of-the-mill sexual porn? Well why not come on down and try some gore porn? The Woman has LOTS of it. A feral woman living in the woods is captured by an All-American family to induct her into the ‘normal’ way of life. What could go wrong?

  • When China Met Africa

    When China Met Africa is a indepth documentary about China’s economic foray into Africa in 2006. Described as a “rare, grass-roots view into one of the most important economic challenges of our age” by The Times, it’s just as exciting as it sounds.

  • Top 10 Chat-Up Lines We Learned From The Films

    Heading out on the town tonight and looking to make some new, ahem, “acquaintances”? Not quite as adept with the lingo of love as you’d like to be? Been shot down more times than Boromir in The Lord Of The Rings? Now is not the time to panic, as we’ve done all the hard work for you. After scouring the film database, we’ve pulled out the top 10 chat-up lines that can be applied to any romantic situation, ever ever. So read them. Learn them. Dazzle the opposite sex with them and, when you get laid, send us a box of chocolates. We like chocolates…