Articles Posted in the " An Inconvenient Truth " Category

  • Page One

    Page One, a documentary by Andrew Rossi of An Inconvenient Truth and Waiting for Superman, is perhaps the most involving and universally inspiring documentary of the year. Who would’ve thought it’d be about the New York Times?

  • Countdown to Zero

    If you have any interest in the history of the nuclear arms race and how it affects us today, go and see the new eye-opening documentary by Lucy Walker as it talks through the miscalculations and madness of nuclear bombs and politics in a film that educates, campaigns, and shocks.

  • GasLand

    Following hard on the heels of sensational exposés including An Inconvenient Truth and End of the Line, GasLand seeks to turn a harsh spotlight on yet more outrageous behaviour by arrogant US energy corporations. Whether it quite manages to be the call to arms it aspires towards is another matter.