Articles Posted in the " Brian Blessed " Category

  • Five Movies We’d Like to See Re-Made

    We love films. Well, we love most of them. Some of them are only OK, and some of them we’d like to get our greasy paws on and re-cast and re-direct all together. Here are five of them, because ten would have gotten me over-excited and I’d never be able to settle for my nap otherwise.

  • Cheat Sheet: Ben Wheatley

    You know that freaky-ass film that everyone’s on about at the moment? Kill List? Some guy filmed it. No, really. He’s filmed lots of other fun stuff too…like a TV series that apparently rivals the realm of The Mighty Boosh in the kookiness factor. Truly, madly, Wheatley.

  • Top 10 insane Christmas films

    We’ve melted our brains watching some of the oddest Christmas films ever committed to celluloid; the least you can do is read our opinions. This blog is suitable for fans of squirrels, kidnapping, teleportation, Martians, amnesia, S Club 7, rent arrears, curling, balloons and rape.

  • Thor To Star Everyone In Hollywood

    Well, pretty much. Lately, it seems like you can’t go two minutes without some Hollywood star-or-other announcing they’re set to appear in Thor, the upcoming film of the popular Marvel strip. With with so many names being bandied about we thought it was high time someone sat down and collated all the info together.