This Wednesday marks the release of Steven “I’m definitely going to stop being a director soon and paint pretty pictures” Soderbergh’s new film, Haywire, which stars Mixed Martial Arts champion Gina Carano. Presumably she spends the film going around beating up loads and loads of people with her martial arts skills. We literally can’t wait for that. Especially if she roundhouse kicks Ewan McGregor in the face. Anyways, to celebrate the release of this film, BFF has compiled a list of the top ten women who would kick you into next Tuesday if you tried to hold the door open for them. Enjoy!
Aliens continue to turn up in the most unlikely of places…
In the last ten years, British film directors have tweaked the gangster caper, invented the zom-rom-com, updated the monster film and charmed audiences/critics alike. So if you’re into top 10 film cheat sheets, let’s wallow in the top 10 British movies of the last ten years. Top hole!
Thanks to some excellent blagging (and no small amount of sexual favours) we at Best For Film are off to the Centurion premiere in Leicester Square this Sunday. But before we can tell you how it was, we might as well fill you in on what it’s all about.
The gore-splattered sequel to 2005’s The Descent, which provided some genuine chills and the fuzzy feeling you get from a British film doing well, sadly isn’t quite up to the high standard set by the original.
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