I met a traveller from an antique land, who said “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert.”
After Little Fockers it’s gonna take A LOT for us to trust him again.
Career set to self-destruct in 5, 4, 3…
And so another decade comes to a close. Come with us down memory lane as we recall the snakes-and-ladders-esque ups and downs of Hollywood’s movers and shakers from 2000-2010.
Presumably, you only went along to the first Night at the Museum to keep the kids quiet for a couple of hours, but you might have found yourself pleasantly surprised. Not so this sequel, with its muddled plot, tired-looking effects and idiotic slapstick humour. Amy Adams, as a gleeful Amelia Earhart, and Hank Azaria, as an evil pharaoh, provide brief moments of entertainment. But they’re not enough to save this shameless commercial cash-in from languishing in the sequel bad place.
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