BBFC requests cuts to 3D Sex And Zen: Extreme Ecstasy

You may already know that we weren’t the biggest fans of 3D Sex And Zen. It wasn’t particularly funny (PENISES! WAHEY!), the story made absolutely no sense, and I don’t know about you, but there’s only so much I can watch women being raped FER THE LOLZ. Well, even if The Guardian doesn’t agree with us, it looks like the BBFC does – requesting 2 minutes of cuts from the Chinese erotica flick.
Seeing as it’s somehow got UK distribution – nice work, Metrodome – it looks like people will be going to watch 3D Sex And Zen, no matter how baffling a film it is (very). Metrodome have announced that they were required to make two minutes of cuts to scenes of non consensual and violent sex but the strong sex scenes have been passed uncut at ’18’. So that’s some of the comedy rape gone then? Super.
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