Articles Posted in the " Big Daddy " Category

  • Friday Drinking Game #57 – Adam Sandler

    It’s Friday. The Olympics are over, summer is on the way out, and you’re dreading winter and its impending dark mornings, dark evenings and long, long working days sandwiched between them. What better way to make yourself feel better than by getting drunk and looking at someone who definitely, definitely has it worse than you.

    Ladies and gentlemen; the Adam Sandler drinking game.

  • Desi Boyz

    As confused a cinematic masala as you’re likely to see this year, Desi Boyz plagiarises gleefully from every comedy, drama and romance going and fuses its finds together with a shuddering dose of song, dance and waxed torsos. It’s nonsense, obviously, but it’s enormously entertaining nonsense.

  • Friday Face/Off: Adam Sandler

    This week, Adam Sandler emerged as the third highest-paid actor in the world for 2010/11. One of our faithful team of word-wranglers rejoiced at this news, whilst the other bit a copy of You Don’t Mess with the Zohan in half. Guess which was which? It’s time to Face/Off…

  • Adam Sandler in… your life! Which Sandler character are you?

    Now we here at bestforfilm are all a bit partial to a bit of Adam Sandler (some more begrudgingly than others). Yes, he finds himself perpetually playing the same zero-to-hero role, but if it the down-on-his-luck-loser-inevitably-finds-success-and-the-girl formula ain’t broke then why fix it? (And truth be told, the less said about Señor Sandler trying to break out of his mould, cough Punch Drunk Love, the better.)

  • Kick-Ass

    Enter the next generation of comic-book movies. Kick-Ass is truly a brilliant and original take on a sorely overdone franchise, but if you’re looking for a laugh-a-minute flick you’ve come to the wrong place. Kick-Ass is not for the faint of heart, with humour as black as coal and violence to rival the goriest of horrors. However, it could be that it’s all the better for its darkness. Though its pretty impossible to avoid the hundreds of stars thrown in Kick-Ass’s direction, we tried our very hardest to come to it with an open mind. And we’re glad we did.