Releases Coming Soon

You know what we enjoy doing? Going to the future. We also enjoy going back to the future, but we’ve had copyright problems with that before. The point is, we’ve risked life and limb to discover what films are hitting our screens in upcoming weeks. Don’t ask us how we’ve done it. All we’ll say is that the Wikipedia Towers of the future are a terrifying and overly bear-guarded place.

So, should you save our pennies for an upcoming epic, or splurge like there’s no tomorrow on the flicks out now? We’ve got the answers right here.

Friday 16th April

Quite the mixed bag kicks us off, with Polanski’s The Ghost Writer jostling for audiences alongside Repo Men, Date Night and It’s A Wonderful Afterlife.

The Ghost Writer promises to be a smart and current political thriller, starring Ewan McGregor as a ghostwriter hired to write the memoirs of a former English Prime Minister. The more he uncovers about the Prime Minister’s time in office, the more dangerous his assignment becomes. Polanski is known for his well-crafted, tightly paced films, so let’s just hope his ongoing legal *ahem* indiscretions don’t follow him around like a.. . well… you know.

Also hoping to thrill us this week is Repo Men, an action flick set in a dystopian not-so-distant future, where human organs are handed out to the sickly – as long as they can pay. The only problem? When you fall back on your payments, you better believe Jude Law is coming after you to get it back. Brings a whole new meaning to idea of Jude Law: heart-stealer.

If you’re looking for a laugh, you’ll be glad to know that Tina Fey and Steve Carrell’s much hyped Date Night also opens this week, promising a classic comedy romp of mistaken identity. Marvellous. For a more home-spun jaunt, you can check out Bend It Like Beckham director Gurinder Chadha’s new flick, It’s A Wonderful Afterlife. It’s a comedy centered on an Indian mother who takes her obsession with her daughter’s marriage into the world of serial murder. And frankly, what more do you need to know? Brilliant.

HH preview 14th April 2

Friday 23rd April

This Friday sees the opening of the Neil Marshall war epic Centurion; a ancient chase-movie set in the Scottish highlands concerning the Ninth Legion- a legendary group of Roman Centurion soliders. It’s a fast-paced and entertaining action flick that wreaks havoc with an existing legend, and if you can’t wait to know more, you can read our exclusive review here, you lucky wee crumpets.

If you’re hankering for something a little less swords-and-blood based, you can check out The Joneses – a satirical social commentary starring David Duchovny and Demi Moor. When a wonderful family moves into the local neighbourhood, the locals are astounded by how perfect they appear – they wear all the right labels, buy the latest gadgets and generally make everyone around them ache with envy. But is there a reason this family lives the way they do? Seems to be a comment on our capitalist culture, buy buy buy, must-have and all that. And if that doesn’t appeal to you, there promises to be some really awesome shots of ipads. Nice.

And if you’re looking for something a bit different, Erasing David – a government-surveillance docu-thriller might be for you. David Bond lives in the UK – one of the most intrusive surveillance states in the world, and decides to find out how much private companies and the government know about him by putting himself under surveillance and attempting to disappear. However, he soon discovers that trying not to exist attracts a lot of attention. Sounds intriguing. As well as potentially paranoia-inducing. Which is fun.


Friday 30th April

The biggest release this week will no doubt be Iron Man 2, starring lots of people overly famous such as Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson and Mickey Rouke. Downey Jr reprises his role as Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, but now the whole world knows his super-secret, what happens if his inventions end up in the wrong hands? It promises to be a big-budget, high effects block-tastic face buster. We can’t wait.

In the lower-budget corner is British thriller The Disappearance of Alice Creed, a tale of the kidnapping of a young woman by two ex-convicts. It caused a stir at the 2009 London Film Festival as well as the International Toronto Film Festival, and may be well worth a look for those seeking something a little less mainstream. This is also the week for The Notebook writer’s next weepy, entitled The Last Song. Anyone familiar with Nicholas Sparks’ work will know what to expect; a poignant tale, love lost and then found, a bit on a beach, and Miley Cyrus. Hmmm.

Friday 7th May

It’s all getting a wee bit fuzzy for our make-shift time machine, but we can promise that films coming up include Jennifer Lopez’ comeback The Back-up Plan (like a career outside of showbusiness?), terrorist-comedy Four Lions, the re-working of Nightmare On Elm Street, and last, but oh so never ever least… Hot Tub Time Machine. Like a young maiden searching for her first love, we’re prepared to wait.

Looking forward to any releases coming soon? Let us know below!

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