New poster for MiB 3

So we weren’t all that impressed with the first poster for MiB 3, mostly because it made us feel a bit ill, and as much as we love feeling ill, we don’t actually at all. But then we were given the soothing pain-killer of a spanky-lovely trailer, and all was forgiven. Mainly because it had a flash of Emma Thompson, and Josh Brolin looked bloody brilliant. Anyway, new poster! Nothing new! We eat this stuff up!
Glad to see our ol’ pal Will back where he belongs – in the suit and shades of the world’s first, last and only line of defense against the worst scum of the universe. Gaze, and feel peace:
Also, apparently this isn’t just MiB 3, this is MiBĀ³ – Men In Black to the power of Men In Black to the power of MEN IN BLACK. That is SO CONCENTRATED IN ITS MEN IN BLACK POWER. Are you worried about their working out? We’re a bit worried about it. Still, good to know there’s always a hashtag with which you can vent your problems – off we go to #mib3 and LET’S TALK ALIEN MATHS.
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