DiCaprio confirms Eastwood’s Hoover biopic shooting 2011

Leonardo DiCaprio has confirmed that shooting on Clint Eastwood’s biopic of J. Edgar Hoover is set to begin early next year. This is an exciting collaboration between two heavyweights of film, and Hoover is an intriguing character for DiCaprio to portray.
Hoover founded the FBI in 1935, and remained its director until his death in 1972. A divisive figure, he is said by his critics to have used questionable methods in his work, and led a storied personal life. The FBI headquarters is named after this significant figure who was, and remains, a controversial one in US history. DiCaprio has previously portrayed an FBI agent in Shutter Island, and has plenty of experience when it comes to mysterious and layered characters (Inception, Catch Me If You Can) .Doubtless he will be more than able to bring the intensity and complexity to this role this role requires.
With a skilled and experienced director, one of Hollywood’s hottest stars in the lead and a story as rich as that of Hoover to tell, this is one project that is certainly worth looking out for.
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