First trailer for Dream House gives away everything

With a cast that includes Daniel Craig, Naomi Watts and Rachel Weisz, the Dream House team don’t need to say much about their film in order to ensure audiences. So it makes total sense for them to produce a trailer that completely gives away what has to be one of the central twists. Hmmm. Spoilers alert, kids…
Dream House, directed by Jim Sheridan, focusses on a happy, deeply attractive married couple (Craig and Weisz) who move into a new family home with their made-for-a-horror-flick adorable daughters. But it isn’t long before things start going bump in the night, and when they discover that grisly murders have taken place in their perfect palace – and that the killer might still be on the loose – they begin to question everything. See how we outlined the plot without giving anything away? See how that happened? Now, watch the trailer, and let everything get ruined:
I know, right? We’re sure that there’s plenty more shocks in store, but it does seem rather mental to give away what seems to be the central conceit of the film. What do you think? Justifiable?
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