Gary Oldman to direct Colin Firth in un-named remake

It was only a matter of time before those two crazy kids got it together. Having co-starred in the upcoming Tinker Tailor Solider Spy it looks like two British greats, Colin Firth and Gary Oldman, are embarking on a new project together. Colin – Oscar winner, national treasure, sideburn enthusiast – will be centre screen, with Mr Oldman taking the lead behind the camera.
The only thing we know about the project is that it will be a re-make of some kind, but looking at the stage and screen history of both stars we reckon it’s fair to assume we can rule out musicals, sci-fi, rom-coms and, well, anything not totally brilliant. Gary’s already got a directing credit; he helmed Nil By Mouth (a drama focussing on family life in south-east London) back in 1997, which all in all was a pretty classy production. So can we expect something similar for his project with Colin? Watch this space…
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