Omar Little joins Robocop – takes girl’s part

Set for release almost a year today, the cast of Robocop continues to grow. Joining the likes of Hugh Laurie as the evil OmniCorp CEO, Samuel L. Jackson as some media big dog, Gary Oldman as the crazy robocop creator and Jackie Earle Haley as shouty shouty Maddox is Michael Kenneth Williams, who found fame as Omar Little in The Wire. Newcomer Joel Kinnaman will play the eponymous murdered cop, Alex Murphy, whose body OmniCorp use to create the ultimate crime fighting robot. Williams seems set to take the role of Murphy’s partner, originally a female role played by Nancy Allen in the 1987 film.
Jennifer Ehle (Contagion, The King’s Speech) has also been rumoured to be discussing playing the mysterious Liz Kline, a character, like Oldman’s, unique to José Padilha’s remake. What with only Sucker Punch‘s Abbie Cornish so far representing the ladies, and the role of partner Anne Lewis now played by a man, hopefully this Liz Kline will be a decent role and a massive badass. Cornish, playing the wife of a murdered cop who returns as a cyborg, will probably spend most of the film crying, screaming and being confused about her feelings. Come on Liz Kline, it’s all on you now.
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