Peter Parker has a chat in new Spidey clip

July 3rd, 2012 has quite literally never been closer – and what better way to celebrate than an arbitrary clip of Andrew Garfield talking to some bloke in The Amazing Spider-man?
To be honest, we’ve not been this confused by a marketing strategy in some time. So the first trailer for Spider-man was all “ooh look, Spider-vision, it’s horrible isn’t it?”, and we were duly underwhelmed. Then we were bodged a series of deeply boring stills of characters doing little else except wearing clothes and having faces, followed by a PROPER trailer a couple of weeks back. A trailer that made us all go “YAY! This is an exciting film with exciting events in it!” And now we’ve got this. Peter Parker having a chat with a doorman. What do you want us to think, Marc Webb? What do you want from us?
He’s an underdog, we get it, he isn’t good enough for Gwen Stacy until he obviously is. More swooping! More hitting things! So much more Emma Stone! We’ve got a lot time to wait until this film gets released, and at the moment the jury is very, very out. Maybe that’s the point? Maybe. Maybe that’s the point.
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