Photos from the Set of Snow White and the Huntsman

We don’t really know how to feel about Snow White and the Huntsman. The plot sounds great, the cast has some solid actors (Charlize Theron, Ray Winstone and Ian McShane? Yes, yes and yes.) and the general aesthetic of the movie looks fantastic. So why are we so nervous? Three reasons: Kristen Stewart, Kristen Stewart and Kristen Stewart.
Cinema’s foremost grumpy bitch has always been a bit of a wildcard, and opinions on her are as divisive as ever. Some (everyone) argue that she is nothing more then a talentless gnome who repeatedly offends us by refusing to express emotions or wash her hair. Others (John) say she was good in The Runaways. Stewart could shine as Snow White, or she could stand around, scratching and running her hands through her hair. These photographs of Stewart on set don’t reassure us all that much.
Right then.
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