Search results for "peter jackson"

  • Top 10 ‘WTF?!’ films

    Some films go out of their way to be a bit odd. To test the waters and see what they can get away with, you know? Sometimes it’s nonsense, sometimes it’s art. One thing that can be said is that the more bizarre a film is, the more interesting it can be. Some studios spend millions of dollars adjusting their films if an audience says they don’t understand something. This list is for the films that decided, ‘hey, screw sense’!

  • Future of 3D films

    What is the future of 3D films? Avatar made the water 3D, then blew everything out of it. Tron: Legacy, whilst being undeniably rubbish, made $44 million in its opening weekend in the US alone, and the list of franchises to have secured box office success continues to grow. So is the future of 3D films secure, or is this a pretty 3D flash in an otherwise 2D pan?

  • Roles that never were

    Come for a dip in the murky world of the ‘could have been’ and ‘if only’, as we take a look at those actors and actresses who turned down some surprising roles. Hindsight is a beautiful thing, and some of these stars must have been crying all the way to the bank after realising what they missed out on.

  • Video Games made into Movies

    We can all think of a video game that somehow, beyond all sense and rationality, made it from the little screen to the big, and we usually wince when we recall them. The list of films based on video games is arguably one of the most excruciating compilations of film fails. So why do people keep on trying? And why do they always suck?

  • Tron: Legacy

    Tron Legacy, I feel for you. Why everyone is so surprised that you’ve turned out to be massively silly is beyond me. Tron was massively silly, and as we all know by now, the 00’s light-tastic apple never really falls far from the 80s synth tree. Hopelessly beautiful to look at, 3D-licious and utterly bonkers, there’s a lot to enjoy in this sexed-up sequel. Just as soon as you stop worrying about what on earth is going on.