Search results for "piranha 3d"

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #70

    It’s impossible to dress for this weather – one minute it’s sheeting down, the next it’s hotter than Jude Law’s crotch five seconds after he’s met the new nanny. So why bother to go outside at all? Hide in the multiplex all day and watch film after film after film, secure in the knowledge that all you really need to wear is some pants. Thank god for the OWLs!

  • TGIM! The UK Green Film Festival

    Another thick, beige parade of weekdays stands before you, threatening you with the kind of crippling boredom only bestest by anything written by Nicholas Sparks or facts about golf. THANK GOODNESS THEN that Best For Film is committed to making sure you don’t have a truly awful life. Thank God It’s Monday proudly presents your guide to this weekend’s UK Green Film Festival!

  • This week’s releases: the trailers

    Remember last week? Remember last week when tomorrow was sort of SUNDAY AGAIN because of the magic of last week? Yeah, well that’s not how this tomorrow’s going to work, big boy. Monday is on its way like some mad, Taylor Lautner based dribbling hell hound, and there’s nothing we can do about it. Except promise you that there are, at least, NEW FILMS afoot! Trailers ho!

  • Top 10 Apocalyptic Films

    Take Shelter is destroying cinema screens up and down the country with a combination of tornadoes, earthquakes and Michael Shannon, and if we somehow live through that there’s always another film waiting to wipe out humanity. Still, you’ve got to laugh, eh? Rather than get depressed about the inevitable extinguishing of our world, we’ve decided to look at Hollywood’s top 10 most baffling apocalyptic films…

  • The 10 Worst CGI Moments Ever

    CGI can be brilliant when placed in the right hands but, as always, with great power comes great responsibility. While most filmmakers can resist the temptation of overdosing on special effects, there’s a few out there who would quite happily shoot themselves up with as much computer imagery as possible and then lie there in a happy stupor, admiring the monsters they have created. Here are the 10 worst CGI moments ever…

  • Final Destination 5

    A strategic yacht with an extra long and pointy mast sails beneath a woman falling from airborne wreckage; spearing her guts out in an awesome splatter of blood and gore. It could only be Final Destination… in 3D! Again. Derivative, repetitive and deeply boring, it’s time Death came for this tired old franchise.

  • Ten Contemporary Incarnations of the Grindhouse Genre

    The grindhouse genre seems to be going through a bit of resurgence recently. The new releases are different from the originals in many aspects, but all manage to capture the gruesome, gritty hilarity that makes the original players so damn addictive. We look at 10 recent films showcasing the future of grindhouse -dragging boobs, guns and gore along with them.

  • Book review! Nightmare Movies: Horror On Screen Since The 1960s

    Nightmare Movies: Horror On Screen Since the 1960s is the third edition in what has come to be regarded as a “true classic of cult film criticism”. Published in 1985, the original Nightmare Movies was an essential guide to contemporary horror, and, twenty years later, the newest edition is just as indispensible for today’s discerning horror enthusiast.

  • Dinoshark

    If you’ve seen one monster shark movie, you’ve seen them all. Unless you’ve seen them all except Dinoshark. In which case, you haven’t seen Dinoshark.