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  • Top 10 Mononymous Film Titles

    “Mononymous?” we hear you cry, “What the deuce does that mean?” Don’t worry. Let us explain. Martin Scorsese’s Hugo is out today and in order to celebrate this momentous occasion, we have decided to prepare for you a list of the top ten films with titles that are a single name. Apparently, “mononymous” means this, thus we bring you the Top Ten Mononymous Film Titles.

  • Top 10 Apocalyptic Films

    Take Shelter is destroying cinema screens up and down the country with a combination of tornadoes, earthquakes and Michael Shannon, and if we somehow live through that there’s always another film waiting to wipe out humanity. Still, you’ve got to laugh, eh? Rather than get depressed about the inevitable extinguishing of our world, we’ve decided to look at Hollywood’s top 10 most baffling apocalyptic films…

  • Moneyball

    It’s not often you get an All-American Sports Movie that celebrates the joys of cold, clinical science over fuzzy, intangible human emotion, but then Moneyball isn’t exactly your average sports movie. The true story of a baseball squad that defeated the odds by taking emotion out of the game, Moneyball combines the frankly terrifying talents of Bennett Miller, Aaron Sorkin, Steven Zaillian and Brad Pitt; expertly demonstrating the true potential of a perfectly constructed team.

  • WIN 3 x Salt Of Life on DVD

    The wonderful Salt Of Life is out on DVD on the 5th December, and to celebrate we’re giving away a copy to three lucky readers! We absolutely loved this funny and charming drama (you can check our review for proof), so frankly you’ve no excuse. And just in time for Christmas eh?

  • Top 10 Films that Aren’t Christmassy Enough (Yet)

    In the immortal words of Noddy Holder, “IT’S CHRIIISSSSSTTTMAAAAASSS!!”. Well, not quite yet. But it is the first day of December today (we don’t miss a trick here at BFF). And to celebrate, we bring you the top ten films that sound as though they should be about Christmas but really, really aren’t. Luckily, we’ve reinvented all these titles to make them more palatable this Yule.