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  • Very Lost In Translation: the 5 US remakes we didn’t need

    With David Fincher’s remake/adaptation of Girl With The Dragon Tattoo about to hit our screens, and the rumour mill about an English adaptation of the Old Boy going into overdrive, we thought it was the perfect time to remind everyone of the horrors of Getting The Remake Wrong. There are many, many re-workings that never should have been attempted, but heck we’re all busy, so in the name of convenience we’ve handily we’ve whittled it down to the top 5 we’ll never forgive…

  • Shark Night 3D

    David R. Ellis is familiar enough with the slasher-less slasher genre, having previously directed not just one but two instalments in the Final Destination franchise. His latest offering sees a batch of very CGI sharks take over death’s killing duties, as another array of faceless teens line up for slaughter. At the end of the Night, however, maybe Ellis should have stuck with invisible killers, as the director doesn’t fare quite so well when handed a box of pixels and left to jump the shark instead.

  • Monday Mash-Up – Rowan Atkinson Special!

    To acknowledge (but not celebrate) the now-unavoidable release of Johnny English Reborn, we’ve looked back at some of Rowan Atkinson’s less creatively bankrupt roles to put together a mighty Atkinson Megazord. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never seen a king of beasts with quite so little hair…

  • Sleeping Beauty

    There are three scenes in Sleeping Beauty: Someone Being Horrible To Emily Browning With Her Clothes On, Someone Being Clinical To Emily Browning As She Takes Her Clothes Off, and Someone Being Horrible To Emily Browning Wearing No Clothes. Mix and match as you desire. It’s a poised and classy-looking directorial debut from writer Julia Leigh, but it’s nonsense all the same.