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  • Monday Mash-Up – Super 8 Edition #6!

    With less than a month to go until Super 8 bursts onto our screens, we’ve been wondering what sort of monsterLAD could kick through the side of a train. Maybe we haven’t been thinking mechanically enough… See if you can guess all of today’s mash-up components!

  • Akira

    When Katsuhiro Otomo’s Akira was released in 1988 it must have been something of a novelty; an ultra-violent, hyper-stylised, feature length cartoon for adults. Now re-released in cinemas some 20+ years later for an audience au fait with the wonder of Japanese animation it’s clearer than ever that novelty had nothing to do with the film’s success. Graphically restored and sonically remastered, it’s as staggering today as it ever was.

  • Friday Drinking Game #16 – Harry Potter

    As the Harry Potter series draws to a close, it’s definitely time to celebrate the one positive aspect of your childhood finally being over: you can recap the last decade of Pottermania, and – unlike in 1997 – get really, really hammered whilst you do it. Did someone say ‘Ogden’s Old Firewhiskey’?

  • Delhi Belly

    This chaotic comedy centred around three bone idle, strapped for cash roomates sees the mass merging of Hollywood and Bollywood conventions to make an film that can appeal to a universal audience. Shocked? Yes. Pleasantly shocked? Yes.