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  • Cheat Sheet: Susanne Bier

    We know what you’re thinking – ‘my browser’s already stuffed to the brim with interesting facts about trail-blazing Danish directors, for God’s sake’, but surely there’s always room for one more? It’s time for your weekly dose of proper good facts people; put away the humorous cats with moustaches and open up some LEARNING, it’s CHEAT SHEET TUESDAY!

  • The Guard

    Take In Bruges, add a dash of Hot Fuzz and you have The Guard, a sharply observed comedy set in Ireland, it may not please the easily offended but there are enough laughs here to ensure that Brendan Gleeson’s star turn is a must-see.

  • Bomb It

    “The writing’s on the wall for graffiti artists” – so reads the tired and predictable tabloid punch line. But despite years of media hysteria and clean-up operations, graffiti remains a part of urban life throughout the developed world. Jon Reiss’ documentary Bomb It proposes to explore not only the tremendous diversity of global wall writing but the wall itself – posing the question ‘who owns public space, anyway?’.

  • Kaboom

    Coming-of-age sex thriller sci-fi comedy horror [insert genres here ad infinitum] Kaboom is a chronic mess, taking the seeds of two or three respectable films and frantically ramming them together until ninety minutes of contrived teenagery garbage squirt out the middle and leave a stain on your cardy. Avoid.