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  • Green Lantern

    DC obviously think that Ryan Reynolds’ muscles are enough on their own to deliver a bruising punch to Marvel; but the rest of Green Lantern isn’t as finely toned. It’s everything you expect from a superhero movie, but absolutely nothing more. And it nicked its colour scheme from The Mask!

  • Andrei Tarkovsky: Russia’s cinematic revolutionary

    Andrei Tarkovsky is internationally recognised as one of history’s most stylistic and influential filmmakers. Nearly 25 years after his death, Artificial Eye pays tribute to the director with their release of The Andrei Tarkovsky Collection. This box-set might make your other DVDs seem inferiorly uncultured (depending on your level of pretentiousness of course) but if you appreciate the poetry of Tarkovsky’s Russian cinema this is indeed a culturally significant film collection worth investing in.

  • Powder

    Sometimes a cheeky little indie film strolls up, favours you with one of those complicated ‘street’ handshakes and changes your life for the better with its endearingly lo-fi quirks and unexpectedly powerful story. Powder, alas, is not such a film. More likely to glare at you from inside a fashionably scruffy greatcoat than offer you a rollie and a cheerful anecdote, it is the very worst sort of self-absorbed garbage.

  • Top 5 good directors gone bad

    Remember the golden days of George Lucas? Remember when Zemeckis was coming out with hit after hit? Remember when Tim Burton didn’t just paint everything black and shove his wife into shot? We do. We present the five directors we mourn the hardest – made all the more bitter by the fact that they’re all still alive.

  • Hunger

    Five strangers wake up in a mysterious room, with just a ticking clock and enough water to survive for 30 days. It may sound like another Saw rip-off, but despite its flaws Hunger is an unexpected treat.