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  • Life, Above All

    Things I Learned From Watching Life, Above All: if you don’t a) fall down a hole and die, b) nearly get stoned to death by your village or c) get forced into prostitution and then have your face cut up by a rapist, you will probably die of AIDS. OR all of the above will happen to everyone dear to you and you’ll be left alone in the world. Yay!

  • Country Strong

    A quietly confident introduction and the fun of multi-task-actors makes you hope that Country Strong will do for Gwyneth Paltrow what Crazy Heart did for Jeff Bridges. Sadly though, it soon becomes clear that there’s just too many cliche moments piling up to glimpse a genuinely moving story, and trowling on the sentiment only serves to alienate whatever audience lasts until the end. (Except for country lovers, of course. They’ll probably just lap up the massive hats.)