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  • Friday Face/Off: Harrison Ford

    Is Harrison Ford a grumpy dull bore with a flabby face or an action supremo in need of some Oscars? It seems here at Best For Film we fall into two camps- those that love, those that hate. Read on for a fully fledged, sort of educated rant and let us know who you agree with.

  • Hereafter

    The old dog tries out some new tricks – to mixed results. It has its moments, and treats its potentially sensational subject matter with the respect that, really, it deserves, but it feels very one-note, despite Eastwood’s attempts at innovation. After this and the strangely underwhelming Invictus, let’s hope Eastwood’s creative flame hasn’t ‘died’ out just yet. Arf.

  • The Secret In Their Eyes

    Ricardo DarĂ­n and Soledad Villamil star in a labyrinthine homicide thriller which twists, turns and generally contorts itself through the corrupt underbelly of 70s Argentine law enforcement. It doesn’t sound great, does it? Well, it bloody is great. So there.

  • How Do You Know

    A cute but predictable rom-com with a decent line up, How Do You Know might not set the world on fire, but it will warm the cockles of your heart and bring a smile to your face. Unless you are actually a machine, in which case this will just annoy you.

  • Worst Shakespeare Adaptations

    If language is the greatest product of humanity, and Shakespeare the greatest product of language, then Shakespeare is the greatest product of humanity. Don’t argue. What’s at stake here is why someone thought it would be a good idea to adapt the Bard in a way that results in everyone hating him.