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  • St Trinians 2: DVD Review

    After the surprising success of the first St. Trinian’s reboot in 2007, a sequel was always a risky proposition: it would either surpass the original and cement the franchise as a bona fide modern classic or sully the occasional chuckles of the original and sink the whole thing. We’d like to hope that that seldom-seen beast – the British comedy – isn’t quite dead at the box offices, with only rare examples like Shaun of the Dead hitting the big time. Can St. Trinian’s 2: The Legend of Fritton’s Gold reach the heights of its 1950’s predecessors?

  • Sex And The City prequel?

    Surely not, right? Surely, Sarah Jessica, Kim Catrall et all will finally let their poor, chemical-stuffed bodies rest, freed from the wearying torment of skyscraper heels and botox nightmares. If SATC 2 has taught us anything, its that there’s nothing else these women can give. Or is it?

  • The Loser

    A couple of months ago, Matthew Vaughn’s hyperviolent Kick-Ass somersaulted over the graves of Watchmen and X-Men Origins: Wolverine, proving that comic book-inspired action movies can be every bit as smart and sassy as the cult pictorials they are based on. Director Sylvain White continues the good work with The Losers, an explosive romp based on the potty-mouthed DC Comics series written by Andy Diggle and illustrated by Jock.

  • Sex And The City 2: Reviews so far

    We all know by now that the new Sex And The City film hasn’t exactly reached the dizzying heights of success the ladies are used to. In fact, it seems more like the only thing keeping Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha from falling face-down into the shit-storm of media hate is their glistening high heels. Judging by the reviews so far it seems like it’s not only boring, and patronising, but also more racist than a ticking gollywog. Brilliant stuff. Well done everyone. But what are the critics actually saying?

  • New Scott Pilgrim Trailer online

    Hurrah! In a world filled with re-makes, re-runs and Sex and The City 2: Pigs In The City, it’s truly glorious to remember that films such as Scott Pilgrim Vs The World are still on the horizon. And the new trailer looks, frankly, awesome-tastic.

  • Guillermo Del Toro quits The Hobbit

    Oh dear oh dear, this seems to be a production that can’t catch a break. After numerous set-backs, problems and funding issues, director Guillermo del Torro has announced that he will no longer helm The Hobbit; the much awaited prequel of the Lord Of The Rings films.

  • James McAvoy to play young Xavier

    Whew. This is one prequel that’s getting some serious weight behind it. Last month we reported that X-Men: First Class would be directed and written by the Kick-Ass team Matthew Vaughn and Jane Goldman, and today it’s been confirmed that Brit star James McAvoy has climed on-board as the young Chales Xavier (originally played by Patrick Stewart).

  • Iron Man: DVD Review

    When the announcement was made that the bloke who played Daredevil’s mate alongside Ben Affleck’s blind superhero, Jon Faverau was to direct Marvel’s Iron Man, nobody could have quite predicted it would be the best comic book adaptations since Bryan Singer’s X2.

  • Sherlock Holmes: DVD Review

    So 2009’s Holmes certainly got the full Ritchie treatment – the question is, did it work? In our opinion, the result wasn’t nearly as bad as it could have been. Sure, there are a lot of action sequences, and the staid Holmes of old seems now to have morphed into a buff athlete and martial arts expert played by Robert Downey Jr. Yet despite this, we were hard-pressed to find a moment in the entire film where we weren’t either having a chuckle or glued to the screen.

  • Skins the movie?

    E4 producers have today confirmed that one of their most popular shows – Skins – will be turning the show into a big screen motion picture. Inordinately attractive teens everywhere rejoice!