Articles Posted in the " Highlights " Category

  • New Inception featurette online!

    Want to know more about Chris Nolan’s new epic Inception, but watched the trailer so many times you’re having Di Caprio dreams? Us too. And they’re not those kind of dreams (for the most part). Luckily, Warner Bros has OK’d the release of a short featurette, giving us a bit more insight into the making of the film.

  • Sex And The City 2: Reviews so far

    We all know by now that the new Sex And The City film hasn’t exactly reached the dizzying heights of success the ladies are used to. In fact, it seems more like the only thing keeping Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha from falling face-down into the shit-storm of media hate is their glistening high heels. Judging by the reviews so far it seems like it’s not only boring, and patronising, but also more racist than a ticking gollywog. Brilliant stuff. Well done everyone. But what are the critics actually saying?

  • Megan Fox replacement announced?

    After the not-so-bombshell that Megan Fox has refused to be a part of Transformers 3 (mainly due to huge bust-ups with director Michael Bay), we’ve waited with bated breath to hear who will be her replacement. Well, according to the grapevine all fingers are pointing towards one girl. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. Who?

  • Four Lions

    With his potentially disastrous “terrorist-comedy” Four Lions Chris Morris has managed to create a rare and beautiful thing – a film that, in my opinion, could not be improved. An unflinching attack on stupidity itself, his mastery of both comedy and tragedy is breathtaking to behold. Quite simply, a must-see.

  • Iron Man 2

    The first Iron Man was the surprise hit of 2008 and propelled Robert Downey Jr back into super-stardom. It was the first movie from Marvel Studios, the Marvel comic group’s own production company, and was hailed as a huge success. So just two years after the first movie, Robert Downey Jr is back as the eccentric billionaire Tony Stark. But is the sequel any good? Well, no. Not really.

  • Top 10 Film Outtakes, Bloopers and Mistakes

    Hollywood is big business. They spend millions producing top notch blockbuster films, paying big Hollywood stars huge salaries to star in their movies and creating the most impressive CGI effects, all to get us through the door and part with our cash. However, despite all this, we here at Best for Film (just like a MasterCard advert) like nothing more than to pedantically pick out all their mistakes. Priceless! So here is our collection of the best and worst outtakes and bloopers and mistakes in movies.

  • Monsters inc part 2

    Rumours have been zipping back and forth for a while now, but we can officially confirm that Pixar are currently working on Monster Inc 2. We’ve got mixed feelings about this news, as messing with a glorious original like Monsters Inc is always going to be playing with fire, but at the same time, this is Pixar. Generally speaking, these guys don’t do messing up.

  • Releases Coming Soon

    You know what we enjoy doing? Going to the future. We also enjoy going back to the future, but we’ve had copyright problems with that before. The point is, we’ve risked life and limb to discover what films are hitting our screens in upcoming weeks. Don’t ask us how we’ve done it. All we’ll say is that the Wikipedia Towers of the future are a terrifying and overly bear-guarded place. So, should you save our pennies for an upcoming epic, or splurge like there’s no tomorrow on the flicks out now? We’ve got the answers right here.

  • 5 Reasons Why James Bond Is A Chump

    James Bond, agent of Her Majesty’s Secret Service, is a hero and inspirational figure, right? WRONG! If he was real, James Bond would be the worst human being who ever lived; Adolf Hitler had more moral fibre than this womanising drunk. With James Bond Ian Fleming created a monster, not a role model, and here’s why.

  • Birdemic: The Greatest Movie You Never Saw

    First thing’s first. Birdemic is a brilliant word. It’s a veritable chainsaw of a word, worthy to helm any film – and possibly even religious text – no questions asked. Sure, perhaps only a handful of people could see that, but hell, when you’re murdering people left right and centre with a brilliant collection of letters, who’s going to be stood counting?