Glasses. They’re weird, aren’t they? Bits of plastic or glass slapped over your stupid face that either serve a purpose by bending light in the exact way that your warped and pathetic eyeballs fail to do, or they serve no purpose other than to obscure your epidermis. Why would anyone bother compiling a list of glasses? Because we’re Best For Film AND THAT’S HOW WE ROLL.
Dark Skies tells the story of a run-of-the-mill suburban American family with run-of-the-mill suburban American family problems – like having to share their home with a bunch of aliens. And, as if things weren’t bad enough, these are some of the MOST RUBBISH, CLICHED ALIENS EVER. Don’t believe us? Give it a watch and compare them to the Best For Film’s Top Ten Best Aliens and see for yourself.
I’ve come here to remake movies and chew gum, and I’m ALL OUT OF GUM
Master of horror John Carpenter has his first film for years arriving in January with supernatural chiller The Ward. We take a look back at the legendary director’s finest moments, to celebrate a career including some genre icons, a few cult classics and more than a few scares.
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