Articles Posted in the " Top 10 Movies " Category

  • Top 10 Worlds of the Future

    This year Hollywood seems bent on exploring the possibilities for our future. Tom Cruise’s Oblivion (out now!), Matt Damon’s Elysium and Will Smith’s After Earth (both still pending) have their own special vision for what the world will be like. Never ones to be left out, here at BFF we decided that a Top 10 edition had to be devoted to the worlds we’ve already come across, drawing back the curtain to unveil all the utopian and dystopian fates that await us.

  • Top 10 Horrifying Gender Bending Performances

    Gender bending is one of the lost arts. There was a period in the 90s when you couldn’t move in Hollywood for transvestism. It sort of became the default mode for any comedic scene. Chuck in a corset and a couple of fake boobs and BAM! You’ve got cinema gold. Although the subject of emotional turmoil, sexual identity and gender reassignment has been covered sensitively and dramaticly by some amazing films, you’re not going to find The Crying Game on this list. No, we’ve cobbled together our favourite horrifying gender bending scenes from film. Get out the fishnet stockings, folks!

  • Top 10 Movie Athletes

    “Football is 80% mental and 40% physical.” Erroneous mathematics is just one of the highlights of that hallowed cornerstone of the film industry; the sports movie. Other than sex, the only other thing which has the power to absolutely unite the sexes is a good sports film; everyone’s equal in the stadium, you know? Dudes put on makeup and call it “warpaint”, women start bottling people in the stands, everyone wears skintight Lycra – sports movies bring out the pikey banter-lad in us all. It’s hot, the Olympics are nigh – let’s get rowdy.