LEGO movie connects with Will Ferrell and Liam Neeson

LEGO: The Movie, also known as LEGO: The Piece of Resistance or That Brick of Shit LEGO Movie (LEGO puns. CLASSIC) has managed to snag Will Ferrell and Liam Neeson. Once considered an actor, Liam Neeson has decided that he doesn’t have enough money. The LEGO film is the latest in a line of ill-advised roles for Liam Neeson, who has recently been seen sporting a monocle and diving into a vat of gold LEGO pieces.
The plot of LEGO: Piece of Resistance is negligible, but it has something to do with LEGO. Already signed on for voicing little LEGO characters with removable heads are Chris Pratt, Morgan Freeman, Channing Tatum, Will Arnett (we LOVE Will Arnett) and Elizabeth Banks. Will Ferrell is taking the role of President Business, who plans to glue all the LEGO pieces in the LEGO world together. Liam Neeson is playing Bad Cop, Will Ferrell’s LEGO-Bitch. Hilarity ensues, along with tie-in LEGO merchandise, presumably.
The premise of the LEGO film, originally seen as utterly cynical and stupid by most (specifically us), has now reached the level of SO stupid that we now are sort of intrigued. Hopefully there will be some LEGO Star Wars in there somewhere, as it will give us a reason to play with our LEGO X-Wing again (as if we needed a reason).
Expect LEGO to sell you some plastic bricks in even greater abundance when LEGO: Piece of Resistance hits cinemas in February 2014. In the mean time, why not try our Liam Neeson Drinking Game?
It’s written and directed by the guys who did Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and 21 Jump Street, so I for one am EXCITED