Articles Posted in the " Colin Trevorrow " Category

  • Safety Not Guaranteed

    This sweet little indie comedy, directed by newcomer Colin Trevorrow, is a rather slight but occasionally poignant film that has some interesting things to say about life, love and loss. But in never quite committing to its central concept, and thus squandering its true potential, Safety Not Guaranteed falls somewhat short of the mark.

  • Star Wars Episode VII: The Director Wars

    Star Wars VII has been in the public consciousness for barely over a week, but the relentless rumour mill has been out of control. Everyday yet another potential director is added to the Star Wars VII list, and yet another takes themselves off with a sarcastic quip about how Disney’s Star Wars will star Minnie Mouse with a lightsaber. Here is a recap of all the guys still in the running, and those who have jumped out the Millennium Falcon.