Emma Thompson joins MiB 3

Though we know from horrifying experience the dangers of getting too excited about Men In Black 3, our bruised little hearts just can’t help beating a little faster whenever we hear it mentioned. With the news that glorious human Emma Thompson has joined the already stellar cast, could it be that our excitement is justified? Only time will tell…
Thompson – of Nanny Mcphee, Love Actually, The Remains Of The Day and many other gems – will be taking on the role of Agent Oh; a “MIB agent from the ‘60s monitoring a prison break”. Well, this confirms the time-travel aspect of MiB 3; a tale that will apparently centre on Agent J (Will Smith) travelling back in time to meet a young K (Josh Brolin – though don’t worry, Tommy Lee’s in in too). The token inter-galactic nuisance will be played by Flight Of The Conchords star Jemaine Clement – his role is Yaz, an alien bent on destroying Earth.
It’s shaping up to be a strong comedy cast, and we only hope that the script can match them. As we all know, MiB 2 was more damp squib than noisy cricket, so all we can do is don our shades, cross our fingers and hope.
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