Ghostbusters 3 will shoot in 2012 – with or without Bill Murray

Dan Aykroyd just won’t shut up about Ghostbusters 3, will he? Approximately two years after everyone else gave up on the project and just rewatched the originals for the ninetieth time, the former Dr. Raymond Stantz is once again trying to conjure up some hope in the hearts of fans who’ve watched deadline after deadline for the long-awaited threequel speed past like proton streams in a high wind.
Franchise director Ivan Reitman is definitely on board and happy with the script, cast rumours are bouncing around in all directions and, depending on who you ask, Bill Murray is either financing the film out of his own pocket or threatening to burn down the set – but the planned start date is now three months in the past and Aykroyd has admitted that the cast of young’uns who will take over the Caddy and proton packs from the elder Ghostbusters has still not been found.
Speaking on Dennis Miller’s radio show, Aykroyd expressed a hope that Murray would return – remember when rumour had it that his character Dr Venkman would appear as a ghost? – but stressed that Ghostbusters is bigger than any of its stars and that no one character’s absence could sink the project. Wasn’t he saying that when he said shooting would begin in 2009? Sigh…
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