Life in a Day trailer hits the web

Life In A Day, a collaboration between Scott Free Productions and 80,000 of you regular earthlings, has got its first trailer today, and boy doesn’t it look life affirming!
The film, which is directed by Kevin Macdonald (The Last King of Scotland) and executive produced by Ridley Scott, is a “user generated feature film”, which apparently means it enlists the help of thousands of Youtube subscribers to upload vids of themselves all doing something-or-other, doesn’t really matter what. The catch is that – you may have guessed – they all take place on one humble Earth day, the magnificent 24 July, 2010 (why not). This way, if aliens came down to earth and were too knackered to go explore the place they could just watch this and get a nice snippet of just how diverse and beautiful we all are. Ah.
The project ended up with over 4,500 hours of footage from all over the world, people sending in deeply personal, moving snap shots of their day on this wondrous little planet of ours. Give it a watch:
The film was received extremely well when it was premiered at Sundance in January. So watch! Be amazed! Or, go and travel the world yourself…but that’s just not what us film lovers do now is it? Now, where’s the remote?
Life in a Day is in cinemas 17 June.
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