New trailer for The Master

We’ve been getting steadily more excited about The Master, Paul Thomas Anderson’s new film about a charismatic preacher who isn’t L. Ron Hubbard but looks a lot like him in a dim room, for months. The first trailer to be released featured unpredictable drifter Freddie Quell (Joaquin Phoenix) being questioned about his apparently aberrant behaviour by a military type – all very well, but what we really wanted was a glimpse of Hoffman’s eponymous character Lancaster Dodd himself. And now we have it.
Hoffman is unquestionably the star of the newest trailer, which hit the web earlier today and rendered even the most hardened haters speechless. Take our tip and, once you’ve watched the trailer once, listen to it again with your eyes closed. The combination of Hoffman’s unnervingly smooth, reassuring voice, Phoenix’ distinctly less measured tones and Jonny Greenwood’s jarring, unpredictable score make for quite an intoxicating experience.
First, though, have a look:
See? We’re not even going to bother to break that down because we’re excited about EVERYTHING, even Amy Adams‘ fucking awful blouse. Anderson’s reputation as one of the most visually exciting directors working in America is clearly going to be reinforced when this, his first feature since 2007’s There Will Be Blood, hits US screens this October (there’s still no UK release date) – we heard earlier this year that The Master was to be partially shot in 65mm and partially in 35mm, and either way we anticipate this film being one of the aesthetic highlights of the year.
We’ve also noticed something unbelievably endearing towards the end of the trailer. Notice anything about this?
That’s right! Hoffman is a Philip rather than a Phillip. However, he’s been credited as ‘Phillip Seymour Hoffman’ just once before… when he played ‘Young Craps Player’ in Anderson’s first film Hard Eight. Looks like someone’s getting nostalgic… All together, now: awww!
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