New Year’s Eve stars every famous person ever

After the fuzzy success of last year’s Valentine’s Day, it’s not that surprising that Garry Marshall is back with almost exactly the same film. Only this time, it’s New Year’s Eve. So, the scarves are a bit longer and there are fewer horrible presents. You know the score, intertwining storylines, one night only, nice hair, every celebrity you can think of…
It’s worth watching the trailer below, just so you can play Famous Person Bingo. Seriously, we’ve tried to think of celebrities NOT in the trailer below, and all we could come up with was Jon Bon Jovi. Except he’s in it as well.
Robert DeNiro, Halle Berry, Katherine Heigl, Lea Michele, Jessica Biel, Ashton Kutcher, Zac Efron – it just goes on and on. Is New Year’s Eve JUST SO BRILLIANT that all these stars simply had to get involved on a purely artistic level? Or could New Line pretty much guarantee this film’s financial success from the off? We’d hate to be cynical about it…
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