Pirates Of The Caribbean To Film In Cornwall

On Stranger tides indeed. It’s been revealed today that though a lot of Pirates 4 will be filmed in Hawaii, a sister location will be used for some scenes. And that glamourous location is? Cornwall. Brilliant.
There’s not usually a lot of star-power around England poorest county, so news that it could soon be graced by the likes of Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruz could do wonders for its economy. The Pirates team plan to take over the pictureque town of St Ives, transforming it for their swashbuckling purposes.
So the question now is, what on earth is in the script that requires a location like Cornwall? Does Jack Sparrow come across a terrifying drizzly day, where he has to pass his time battling egg butties in a greasy spoon? Maybe the reason Penelope got on board is because she was promised her own room in the local Travel Inn? Only time will tell. Make us proud Cornwall. Make us proud.
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