Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and No Director

There’s been a huge set back for the upcoming adaptation of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies as director Mike White (writer of School of Rock and writer/director of Year of the Dog) has pulled out of the project due to ‘time constraints’.
White, who has pre-existing commitments with HBO, has commented to Deadline about the exit; “I loved the project and looked forward to working with Lionsgate. Unfortunately, the timing could not be worked out. I wish them the best with the movie.”
The task is now set for Lionsgate to find themselves a new director for this Classic Zom-Rom-Com, who have named the project as a high priority. Fancy yourself as a director? Like a bit of costume drama? Love a bit of gore and beavers (there are beavers in it, and no, we don’t know why either)? Then get yourself on the phone to Lionsgate!
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