The Dark Knight Rises still at top spot after three weeks

Lets crunch some numbers people. Lets crunch some numbers so large that we have to follow them with words and put decimal points in them because your brain hasn’t evolved to comprehend what they mean. The Dark Knight Rises has maintained its position at the top of the US box office for the third weekend in a row, taking $36.4 million and bringing the domestic total to $355 million.
It successfully pushed the Total Recall remake, which opened this weekend, down to second with a measly taking of $26 million. Sony, the studio behind Total Recall and a plethora of other ‘reboots, ‘remakes’ and ‘requels’ (that’s a sequel that we re-ally didn’t need. A word I just made up) are now pinning their hopes on the overseas market. Apparently people overseas haven’t read the reviews suggesting that the Colin Farrell remake of the 90s Arnold Schwarzenegger classic is dreadful, or have a brain. It opens here on the 29th August in case you’re feeling that way inclined.
Warner Bros are preparing themselves for a serious threat to their top spot in the form of The Bourne Legacy, which opens in the US next week and explodes its way onto our screens on the 13th of August. Apparently it’s more ‘male-orientated’, according to those people at Bloomberg who, you know, predict stuff or whatever, and that means, you know, something. If you’re looking for advice on your share portfolio, here is not the place.
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