UK trailer for [REC] Genesis promises a zombie wedding

Okay, so it’s not so much a zombie wedding as it is a wedding with zombies. And fine, maybe they’re not zombies, but infected and/or possessed people, but it got your attention, didn’t it? So, let’s cut to it; Spanish found footage infection saga [REC] is back for its third instalment, and this time it’s a bride who’s got red on her!
Serving as a form of prequel for the previous two films, [REC] Genesis sees director Paco Plaza going it solo – with his usual cohort, Jaume Balagueró, set to bring us the conclusion to the series, [REC] Apocalypse, sometime in the coming year. Co-written by Plaza and another of the original [REC] scribes, Luiso Berdejo, the action of Genesis takes place a few miles away from the setting of the first film, following the infection after it has left its building of origin. Our thoughts follow after the trailer below…
Compared to the claustrophobic, slow building nature of the saga’s beginnings, it has to be said that this threequel looks pretty all out in its execution. That said, a trailer is always going to have a lot of the exciting bits in it, so for all we know this chaos might kick-off in the final half hour of the film. The other major stand out, however, is the seeming abandonment of handheld camera part way through the trailer’s run. Could leaving behind the approach that gave the series its distinctive tone see these masters of Iberian horror getting a little too Hollywood for their own good? We’ll let you know when the film hits UK cinemas on May 11th.
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