Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

In the sixth instalment of J. K Rowling’s seven-part epic of sorcerers and spells, Lord Voldermort has returned in all his evil glory. Both the wizarding and the muggle world are in turmoil – Death Eaters are causing chaos across the country and disappearances, deaths and ‘natural’ disasters are becoming more and more frequent.
Hogwarts faces a shortage of students and teachers but with Harry’s help, Dumbledore (Michael Gambon) hires Professor Horace Slughorn (Jim Broadbent) who takes the post of Potions Master. In turn this means Professor Snape (Alan Rickman) can finally fulfill his lifelong dream of being the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton) has been set a dark task by the Voldemort, and so Harry, Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson) set about trying to catch him red-handed. Dumbledore and Harry continue to have private lessons where they delve into the memories of a younger Voldemort, trying to uncover his darkest secret.
It is inevitable that the films will always be compared to the books but each medium should be respected and acknowledged independently. Whilst the plot of the book has been cut down substantially, director David Yates has managed to deliver the story’s most poignant moments in a visually stunning way. Bountiful in special effects, Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince is any Potter fan’s movie dream – adventure, action, enchantment… and even budding romances.
Special Features
Behind the Story: Close Up with the cast of Harry Potter – behind the scenes, special effects, stunt training, costume, art and make-up.
An introduction to the private life of J.K Rowling hosted by Tom Felton.
Deleted scenes.
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