The Boat That Rocked

Richard Curtis’ (Love Actually) The Boat That Rocked is set in 1966, a time where people could only listen to one hour a week of rock’n’roll on radio. Bill Nighy stars as Quentin, boss of Rock Radio – the pirate radio station which millions of music fans illegally tuned into for their fix of rock’n’roll.
After being expelled from school Carl (Tom Sturridge) is sent away by his mother to spend time with his godfather (Nighy) and hopefully find some direction in life. Carl finds himself on a boat in the headquarters of the Rock Radio’s crew of rock’n’roll DJs. The group is led by The Count (Philip Seymour Hoffman) who is involved in an on-going love affair… with music. He is joined by his team of faithful co-hosts; ladies man Midnight Mark (Tom Wisdom), the devilishly witty Dave (Nick Frost), the love-sick Simon (Chris O’Dowd), Wee Small Hours Bob – the late night DJ, drug-taker and folk music lover (Ralph Brown), newsreader On-Hour John (William Adamsdale) and Britain’s most annoying man Angus Nutsford (Rhys Darby).
The adventures of living in a boat on the North Sea affect all of the men. Simon finds love and marries the woman of his dreams on the boat, but is in for a nasty surprise the next day. Gavin (Rhys Ifans) returns from a drug tour of America and re-takes his place as Britain’s most rocking’ DJ after clashing with The Count. Young Carl who went to find a new lease of life discovers a lot about himself too. From discovering the opposite sex to finding out who his real father is. And all the while the station and DJ are trying to escape the hand of the law trying to shut them down.
Underscored by a soundtrack of classic rock, it shows an era which made it so that rock and roll lives on today.
Special Features
11 deleted scenes
Commentary with Richard Curtis, producer Hilary Bevan Jones, and actors Nick Frost and Chris O’Dowd
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