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  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #76

    As the nights begin to draw in once more (they genuinely are, it’s awful), Best For Film’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of vampires, radioactive mutants and giant sharks. Need help on which one to favour with your precious 2-4-1? Then thank God, weary traveller, that you found us…

  • Joyful Noise

    Gospel music gets the Glee treatment in this confused and blundering Jesus-heavy musical, which sees Queen Latifah and Dolly Parton go head-to-head in a bid to see who can be called a “strong woman” the most times in an hour and fifty-five minutes. The music and the quips are great, but they’re not enough to bring salvation to this lowly sinner of a film – still, you’ll be too busy singing to care.

  • Rock of Ages

    The latest Broadway show to hit the silver screen is an eclectic celebration of all things 80s, unless those things include drugs or AIDS or, you know, anything of genuine interest or significance bar Tom Cruise in leather chaps. Boasting a ruthlessly PG-ified script, a series of songs you’ll probably never have heard before and Bryan Cranston getting gently spanked, Rock of Ages is just silly enough to take the edge off how dull it is.

  • Cheat Sheet: Bruce Willis

    He’s got another phenomenally ill-advised comedy out this week – but don’t judge Bruce Willis on his increasingly mad career choices, judge him on the time he sent twelve thousand boxes of cookies to Iraq. Don’t know what we’re talking about? Better read on, or you’re liable to be left VERY red-faced at your place of work’s (probably) annual Walter Willis quiz night!

  • TGIM! The Edinburgh International Film Festival is back

    Pixar isn’t the only cinematic institution to be pulling on the tartan this summer – the Edinburgh International Film Festival is in full swing once again, and if you want even the slightest chance of catching the best films (read: the ones we like the look of) then you’ve got no business reading any blog but this one. Thank God it’s Monday, eh?