Latest articles

  • This week’s releases: the trailers

    Remember last week? Remember last week when tomorrow was sort of SUNDAY AGAIN because of the magic of last week? Yeah, well that’s not how this tomorrow’s going to work, big boy. Monday is on its way like some mad, Taylor Lautner based dribbling hell hound, and there’s nothing we can do about it. Except promise you that there are, at least, NEW FILMS afoot! Trailers ho!

  • News Round-Up May 7th-11th

    Another week rolls to a close, and yet again you haven’t kept up on the constant flood of cinematic nonsense which issues from the mouths of actors, publicists and (most importantly) us. Thank god for our conveniently bite-sized News Round-Up, eh? If only all revision was this much fun.

  • Top 10 Presidents in Film

    You know who’s great? President Barack Obama. Not only is he unsettlingly charismatic he has also just declared (finally) that he is in favour of same sex marriage, effectively kicking all his Republican opponents in their rigidly conservative/homophobic nuts. TAKE THAT TO YO’ TEA PARTY, NEWT. In honour of this momentous occasion (and also to herald the almost release of this gem), BFF brings you the Top Ten list of movie presidents (both fictional and non-fictional for double the pleasure!).

  • A Royal Affair

    Fresh from winning two major awards at the Berlinale, A Royal Affair is soon to arrive on our shores and give you (probably) your first ever taste of Danish history. Excited? You should be. Brimming with intrigue, action and drama, this is period drama for people who prefer The Wire to Downton Abbey.